Am I Ready to Make These Decisions?

by Brett E. Kennedy, Managing Director

In my work with young people, a certain amount of hesitancy can be expected. As colleges are asking what do you want to major in and parents are asking about long-term career plans, many students can feel bewildered. Many students respond to these inquiries with a well-thought out “I don’t know.” I want to share with students and parents that not knowing is a perfectly acceptable response. And no, it will not sink the college admissions and process.

Many students in their senior year of high school are uncertain about potential majors and potential careers. I certainly understand a hesitancy to commit to a particular career when you may not know that much about the work that they do. I want to propose a novel way to think about potential majors and potential careers. I ask students, “What academic subjects do you enjoy?’ From this we map our potential majors and from there potential career paths. If a student shares that they enjoy their social studies courses, we would explore that to understand which classes excite and spark that passion. If a student shared that they really enjoyed a world history class, I might suggest they think about diplomacy, international business, international development and the host of other areas where an appreciation of world cultures and history would be an asset.

The message is simple. Build your academic major and ultimately, your career on what you are good at and enjoy. From there, you can build a life that is centered on your strengths and passions. I am happy to help you navigate the college admissions and aid process to make it a productive and well-informed process. Call today 765.721.1212 or email for a free initial consultation. I look forward to showing you how I can help lower the stress of your college admissions process.

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