Selecting a College in a Pandemic

by Brett E. Kennedy, Managing Director

The pandemic has impacted us all. From when we shop, to where we go, to who we see, Covid-19 has changed life in a myriad of ways. For some, the pandemic has had serious economic consequences with job losses and businesses closing. For all, the pandemic has created new stresses. However, one thing that the pandemic has not changed is the march of time. Your daughter or son will still finish high school (and yes, it may be virtual) and presumably be ready to attend college in the fall of 2021. So how do you manage all of this on top of all the other things you have to think about?

The answer is simple. You turn to an expert. Rather than using “one size fits all” college counseling, you work one-on-one with someone like me. In my role as an independent educational consultant, I use my 25 years of experience in college admissions and aid to help families find that right fit for college. What do I mean by a right fit?I believe that a student needs to be a match to a college academically, a match socially or culturally and finally, the family needs to be a match to a college financially. More simply, is the college able to offer the academics the student wants and needs. Are the people who attend the college the kind of folks that your student would feel comfortable with and is the atmosphere one where the student will thrive? Is this particular college something that your family is able or willing to pay for?

I start with understanding who the student is and then offer a wide variety of options for college. We then narrow that list down to a manageable set of options. Importantly, when we are determining where to apply, we include colleges where we are fairly certain the student can gain admission, colleges that represent our targets and yes, colleges that are a reach. I help the students craft appropriate and compelling essays to showcase who they are. I assist them with the admission and aid process by mapping deadlines and application parts in a very individualized way. Finally, I help the student and parents share their financial information with the colleges to make sure that they are considered for all possible scholarship assistance. 

From my 25 years in admissions and aid, including a decade in the dean of admissions role, I have worked with all kinds of students. I look forward to hearing from you to see if my services are a fit for your student and family. Even in a pandemic, expertise and a focus on fit have value. 

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