There is No Secret Formula to Gain Admission

by Brett E. Kennedy, Managing Director

As I have scrolled through Facebook in recent weeks, I’ve seen a significant uptick in the number of ads for individuals or companies making some really amazing promises when it comes to admission to highly selective colleges. Things like, “95% of our clients are accepted to the Ivy League school of their dreams,” or “We guarantee to tell you all of the shortcuts for admission to your dream school.”

I find these ads to be both fascinating and maddening. Why? First, the super-selective colleges serve a very small percentage of the American college students. Second, I believe strongly that there is no secret formula that guarantees admission. What this means is that they are using scare tactics to ramp up parents’ anxiety about college planning and admission by suggesting that the best colleges are super-selective and that these consultants have some “magic in a bottle” without which your student is disadvantaged. In 2017, 90 percent of American colleges accepted more than 80 percent of those that applied. There are a lot of really amazing schools out there, both public and private that are accessible to a lot of high school students looking to attend a college or university. We don’t need scare tactics and high pressure sales to make the admission process seem more daunting than it is.

This is not to say that researching, applying to, and choosing the right college or university is easy. It can be complex, and time consuming to do the research to find the right fit college for a student and their family. There are a lot of college out there (roughly 4000), and deadlines and applications and essays often vary between institutions. 

This is where I come in, and where I may be of help to a family. While I have worked with clients who were absolutely qualified to attend Ivy League institutions, the overwhelming majority of students and families I work with simply want help finding that right fit. That fit may be academic, social, financial or all three. I guide families through the process, helping them research and narrow down choices. I provide access to proprietary online programs that help a student keep track of deadlines and requirements, and I nudge them along the way. When the time comes to choose which institution to attend, I help families weigh choices and look at the finances. 

Getting a kid ready to go to college can be emotionally exhausting, but it does not have to be. Consider setting up a free consultation with me to talk about the services I provide, and how I can help your family navigate the process to find the right fit college or university. 

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